We are looking forward to returning to a limited number of in-person physical therapy and wellness visits starting July 8, 2020. We know that safety is at the forefront of everyone’s minds and we have been taking extra precautions for the health of our patients, staff, and the Newton community. With the start of more in-person care as allowed by Massachusetts law, we have been hard at work preparing our clinic and staff to provide the safest care environment possible when you come in for an appointment. Below are some of the enhanced screening, social distancing, cleaning and disinfecting procedures we are using each day. If for any reason you are unsure about keeping an appointment, please call us at 617.168.9290 or email us at office@girlfitrocks.com to discuss options for changing your visit to a Telehealth session or to re-schedule.
Symptom Screening Procedures
- Patients are screened for COVID-19 symptoms and exposure history when making an appointment, 24 hours before coming in for an appointment or procedure, and when entering our buildings. Any essential visitor accompanying a patient is also screened
- All patients and essential visitors additionally have their temperature taken with a touchless thermometer at the entrance of our clinic. We will require patients return home if their temperature is over 100.4
- We urge everyone to stay home when they are feeling sick and we would be happy to change your visit to a virtual visit or reschedule if needed
- Staff are required to be screened for COVID-19 symptoms and exposure history prior to entering our sites for their work shift
Masks, PPE, & Hand Hygiene
- Masks are required for all patients, essential visitors and staff
- Staff will wear gloves and perform hand hygiene before and after all patient contact
- Alcohol-based hand sanitizer and access to hand hygiene is readily available for patient and staff use
- Patients and guardians will be asked to wash or sanitize their hands upon entering the clinic and as needed during their appointment
Physical Distancing
- The Girl Fit and Chapel Bridge Park waiting rooms are currently closed
- Elevators have been updated to have capacity limits and there are posters encouraging social distancing and universal masking throughout our building
- We are limiting the number of patients in the clinic at any one time and allowing only visitors essential to the appointment
- All appointments will be a maximum of 45 minutes in length and there will be no overlap between patient appointments with each therapist
- Patients will be asked to enter the clinic no earlier than their scheduled appointment time and leave promptly after their appointment
- Parents may enter briefly to pay or schedule, but virtual scheduling and payment options will be available
- We have adjusted our clinic layout to ensure that all patients will remain at least 6 feet apart at all times
- Telehealth appointments will continue to be offered and encouraged whenever clinically appropriate
Cleaning and disinfection
- All surfaces and equipment are cleaned and disinfected after each patient use
- All common area surfaces (e.g. check-in areas, doorknobs) are cleaned and disinfected frequently throughout the day
- Pens and clipboards are disinfected after each use