Hello again Girl Fit Community!
If you don’t already know me, my name is Nicole and I teach Hip Hop Cardio and Core at Girl Fit Physical Therapy! You may remember my blog about my journey through at PeriAcetabular Osteotomy and my wonderful physical therapy experience at Girl Fit. Well, I’m stronger than ever and excited to be teaching a new class at Girl Fit Physical Therapy! We created Hip Hop Cardio & Core after many requests for a more cardio based class at Girl Fit. We wanted a fun, high energy way to sweat AND continue to get strong. Cardiovascular training is an important part of getting and staying fit as well as an important injury prevention measure for athletes. “Improved cardiovascular endurance means less fatigue and less fatigue can mean less risk for injury’, says Michaela Main, PT, DPT, dance specialist and physical therapist at Girl Fit PT. For more about injury prevention in dancers from Michaela, check out her recent blog post Tips on Injury Prevention for Dancers.